Product Information

Premium 3-Way XP(MSDS SHEET)

Premium 3-Way XP is the herbicide we use in our “weed & feed” applications.

It is a product certified for landscape use by the Alberta government and a proven safe product by Health Canada.

Click here for information

Roundup (MSDS SHEET)

We use Roundup in targetted areas where no growth is desired. There is no residual effect with Roundup.

Click here for information

Liquid Fertilizer

We use this fertilizer in all of our liquid weed & feed blends.

Alpine G22  6(N)-22(P)-3(K)

Granular Fertilizer

The blend of granular fertilizer we are applying in the spring is: 30(N)-3(P)-15(K)  60% of the nitrogen is slow release.

The blend in the summer application is 22(N)-0(P)-5(K)  30% of the nitrogen is slow release.


Slow release nitrogen is a nitrogen component in fertilizer which is in a form that delays its availability for grass plant uptake and use after application, or which extends its availability to the grass plant significantly longer than a quick release nitrogen fertilizer. It is important to fertilize the grass plant evenly over an extended period of time. If too much nitrogen is made available to the grass plant at one time, it causes excessive top growth which results in frequent mowing and places the grass under stress.


Of all plant nutrients, nitrogen is required in the largest amounts and is the most common nutrient to be deficient in soil. It improves grass growth, health and rich green color. Nitrogen plays a role in almost all internal processes, from synthesizing proteins to creating chlorophyll. Both aid in photosynthesis.


Phosphorus is perhaps more important to a lawn’s overall health than any other nutrient, but it is required at much lower levels than nitrogen. Phosphorus is required for just about every energy process inside the grass, including amino acid production, photosynthesis, glycolysis and respiration. Phosphorus promotes root development, winter hardiness and stimulates blade growth. Also a well supplied lawn will be more resistant to disease and environmental stress.


Potassium increases the turf’s resistance to traffic and disease and even drought tolerance. Potassium is also known for helping the grass survive through the winter months. Potassium is a required element of photosynthesis and helps facilitate cell division.